Good Organizations Doing

Good Work


There are many people and organizations who are dedicated to serving the common good.  I have listed just a few below.  Some are remarkable individuals; some are communities of organizational learning; some are universities taking new directions in organizational scholarship; some are consulting organizations and some are gracious spaces of personal and organizational renewal.

SoL, the Society for Organizational Learning, is an intentional learning community composed of organizations, individuals, and local SoL communities around the world. A not-for-profit, member-governed corporation, SoL is devoted to the interdependent development of people and their institutions in service of inspired performance and meaningful results. SoL serves as a space in which individuals and institutions can create together that which they cannot create alone.

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Welcome to the "AI Commons"--a worldwide portal devoted to the fullest sharing of academic resources and practical tools on Appreciative Inquiry and the rapidly growing discipline of positive change. This site is a resource for you and many of us--leaders of change, scholars, students, and business managers--and it is proudly hosted by Case Western Reserve University's Weatherhead School of Management.

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The Center for Positive Organizational Scholarship is committed to advancing research in the emerging field of Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS). POS has its core, an interest in fostering research , teaching materials and tools that foster flourishing in and of organizations.  T his Web site is both a medium of communication for the Center for POS, and a learning and networking community for POS scholars and practitioners worldwide. We also welcome anyone who is interested in learning about this emerging field. For more information or to contribute to our community, please contact

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The Center for Creative Leadership (CCL®) offers what no one else can: an exclusive focus on leadership education and research and unparalleled expertise in solving the leadership challenges of individuals and organizations everywhere. We equip clients around the world with the skills and insight to achieve more than they thought possible through creative leadership.

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Servant-Leader Associates 510 Westminster Avenue Swarthmore, PA 19081

610.544.1031  servantleader1 at

Pegasus Communications helps individuals, teams, and organizations thrive in an increasingly complex world. Since 1989, innovators working to spark and sustain positive change in the systems they care about have looked to Pegasus for resources and networking opportunities. Through a grounding in the rigorous principles and tools of systems thinking and related disciplines, practitioners from business, education, government, and the nonprofit world find the freedom to connect with others in new ways and design sustainable solutions to their most persistent challenges.

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Ann McGee-Cooper and Associates, Inc. is a creative problem-solving, consulting team working with clients to co-create extraordinary lives and organizations through self-transformation and servant leadership. AMCA has been developing servant leadership cultures since 1976 with TDIndustries (Awarded Fortune Magazine’s 100 Best Companies to Work For in America “Hall of Fame”) and with Southwest Airlines since early 1990, working as a member of their Culture Committee.

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The Palladium Group
In a world that is increasingly challenged and global, Palladium Group believes that organizations need a new way to manage in order to succeed. According to The Conference Board—and for the fourth year in a row—the number one issue facing executives worldwide is their ability to execute their strategies. That ability is dependent on having a philosophy of management that improves                         decision making.                  

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The Great Place to Work® Institute, Inc. is a research and management consultancy based in the U.S. with International Affiliate offices throughout the world.

At the Great Place to Work® Institute, we have been listening to employees and evaluating employers since 1980, to understand what makes a workplace great. We know that the foundation of every great workplace is trust between employees and management. Our ongoing research, measurement tools, and educational services have made us leaders in helping build high-trust workplaces.

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The Centre for Contemplative Dialogue is a nonprofit organization that supports and connects a network of practitioners across Canada, the US and Australia. Contemplative Dialogue as a practice has been developed and evolving since 1992, and since 2000, The Centre has had over 600 participants experience the 4 day residential training.

The vision of this practice community is to develop individuals and groups who practice this work with skill and deep integrity. Practitioners include professional facilitators, government executives and managers, leaders of women's communities and faith-based organizations, and leaders in various social and business institutions.

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The Values Centre was created to provide information on the application of the Seven Levels of Consciousness model and the Cultural Transformation Tools ® for the cultural transformation of corporations, non-profits, NGO’s, government institutions, schools, communities and nations, as well as providing details on the use of the model and tools for personal

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The Center for Courage & Renewal (CCR) is an educational non-profit that strengthens individuals, professions, and communities through retreats and programs that help people reconnect who they are with what they do.CCR was established:

    • To help people in the serving professions – and others who wish to live and work more wholeheartedly – renew their vocational vitality.

    • To support these people in becoming forces for positive change in their workplaces, professions, and communities, as well as in the lives of the people they serve.

    • To contribute to the national conversation about reclaiming integrity and courage in professional and public life.                                                                                                          Visit their Website

Nova Consulting

Our mission is simple and clear:

    To help leaders value and inspire human talent to produce exceptional results for the individual and the organization.

We focus very closely on individual and organization assessments to produce excellent performance that translates into bottom-line results. This diligence and attention to detail are basic to Nova’s practice. Our consulting services are unique in the industry for their comprehensiveness, fact-based foundation, and innovative solutions to business issues. Our assessment products are unparalleled for their scientific background of predictive validity and correlation with organization results.

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The Fetzer Institute Our mission, to foster awareness of the power of love and forgiveness in the emerging global community, rests on our conviction that efforts to address the world's critical issues must go beyond political, social, and economic strategies to their psychological and spiritual roots.

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The Berkana Institute connects and supports pioneering, life-affirming leaders around the world who strengthen their communities by working with the wisdom and wealth already present in its people, traditions and environment. We define a leader as anyone who wants to help, who is willing to step forward to create change in their world. And we know that the leaders we need are already here.

The Berkana Institute serves people globally who are giving birth to the new forms, processes and leadership that will restore hope to the future. Since 1992, Berkana has gradually expanded its work to reach pioneering leaders and communities in all types of organizations and in dozens of nations.

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The Institute of Noetic Sciences We are a nonprofit membership organization located in Northern California that conducts and sponsors leading-edge research into the potentials and powers of consciousness—including perceptions, beliefs, attention, intention, and intuition. The Institute explores phenomena that do not necessarily fit conventional scientific models, while maintaining a commitment to scientific rigor.

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WiserEarth serves the people who are transforming the world. It is a community-editable international directory and networking forum that maps and connects the largest movement in the world the hundreds of thousands of organizations and concerned individuals that address social justice, poverty, and the environment.

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Whidbey Institute
In a time of great peril and great promise, the Whidbey Institute is a place of deep inquiry and inspiration dedicated to the transformation of heart, mind, and culture that is now needed for the creation of a more sustainable, just, and fruitful future for all.
We are committed to the emergence of a new and right relationship between the natural and social world through the development of vital communities and the formation of courageous, creative, and competent leadership on behalf of the whole earth community. We ground our work in the ongoing development of a deep and spacious spiritual core and cultivate practices that inform and sustain learning and hope. We welcome your participation

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Viterbo University

Graduate Program in Servant Leadershi

           The program meets the unique needs of servant leaders in ministry, non-profit organizations,government, healthcare, and business while assuring fulfillment of the expectations related to an accredited program in higher education. Various educational methodologies appropriate to the adult learner with life and professional experience are incorporated into the curriculum plan.

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Max De Pree Center for Leadership

The De Pree Center strives to encourage the development of both healthy leadership and flourishing organizations. In doing so, we perpetuate the legacy of Max De Pree, who developed a rich culture flowing from well-articulated corporate values and personal integrity during his tenure at Herman Miller, Inc.

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Dennis Bakke

1. When given the opportunity to use our ability to reason, make decisions, and take responsibility for our actions, we experience joy at work.

2. The purpose of business is not to maximize profits for shareholders but to steward our resources to serve the world in an economically sustainable way.

3. Attempt to create the most fun workplace in the history of the world.

4. Eliminate management, organization charts, job descriptions, and hourly wages.

5. Fairness means treating everybody differently.

6. Principles and values must guide all decisions.

7. Put other stakeholders (shareholders, customers, suppliers, etc) equal to or above yourself.

8. Everyone must get advice before making a decision. If you don’t seek advice, “you’re fired.”

9. A “good” decision should make all the stakeholders unhappy because no individual or group got all they wanted.

10. Lead with passion, humility, and love.


Dialogos International, LLC is an international for-profit consulting corporation with two offices, one in the United States and one in the United Kingdom. Dialogos is a world leader and pioneer in developing dialogue and organizational learning practices. Our principals are the originators of many of the central techniques commonly found in many business and consulting practices, including organizational learning, dialogue, and dialogic process consultation. Our stance is that we both write about and are expert practitioners in doing what we talk about.

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The International Journal of Servant-Leadership

The purpose of The International Journal of Servant-leadership is to publish cutting-edge essays, theory, and research that will further the influence of servant-leadership globally, in the scientific community, in the world of business, political inquiry, and social justice, as well as across the academic disciplines.

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